How We Work
A repeatable processes backed by experience

Everything starts with a thought, or an idea… In this instance it was yours. ‘Surely there must be a better and easier way for dealing with small works and maintenance..?’
Yes there is! Asking the question was the first step, to take the second step, meet us for an informal chat so we can discuss what’s happening right now within your Housing Association with regards to small works and property maintenance. We can then introduce and show you what Futures Training do, and explain the benefits of our Joint Venture Partnership model of creating your own Small Works business.

If you like what you hear and you think we can assist, we will then provide costs for a bespoke, fit for purpose business plan. This will cover costs and forecasts, health & safety, compliance, recruitment, structure, operations, proceedures and governance.
Build a legacy
Leave a legacy of success, innovation, improvement and value with your Housing Association.
DELIVERY: Should you wish to proceed we will then setup a Joint Venture Company and begin the implimentation of delivering the business plan on your behalf. We will work with you on establishing the business, recruiting and mentoring the management team that is put in place.

YOU ARE UP AND RUNNING! At this stage we will stay in close contact with the management team to ensure the plan is on track and sustainable.
EXIT: When fully sustainable it is then time for us to say goodbye and let you enjoy the benefits of the legacy you have created within your Housing Association. We can take up a non executive role or exit completely.

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